Monday, July 13, 2009

Eating healthy

In my last article I talked about what I think are the seven key components to successfully losing weight and keeping it off. I mentioned in that article that I would expand on the food aspects in a future article and that is what I am gonig to do now. This article talks about clean unrefined foods and foods that are good choices towards a healthy lifestyle. The opinions expressed in this article are my opinions only and based on my own experiences with clients, friends and of course myself.

Each meal should consist of protein, carbohydrates and fats. I am a firm believer in eating food the way nature intended it so the more whole the better.

The quantity and ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fats that you would eat is individual to the person. It is dependent on many factors which are too in depth for this article. This article is a basic guideline for the types of foods that are clean and healthy. I suggest eating a small meal every 2 to 3 hours. Keep in mind that if this is new to you then it will take some getting used to and it will not happen overnight. The key is to be patient and consistent.

Protein - There are many delicious sources of lean and clean protein. Below are some excellent protein sources:

Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Fish Eggs (egg whites)
Whey Protein powder - no added sweetner

Carbohydrates - Complex carbohydrates are your best choice. Try to avoid anything that has been processed or refined like white flour. Excellent complex carbohydrate choices include:

Sprouted grain bread
Whole wheat pasta
Brown rice
Sweet potatoes
Green leafy vegetables

Vegetables should be an essential part of your daily food intake. I try to eat a lot of vegetables in my diet and consider most vegetables to be "free" carbohydrates. I do not eat starchy (complex) carbohydrates at every meal because they tend to be high in calories but I always load up on vegetables and add a serving of fruit to most of my meals. Fruits and vegetables have so many amazing benefits to your health and well being. Fruit is also great for keeping a sugar craving at bay.

Fats - Healthy fats have so many health benefits and eating good fats does not make you fat. The culprit there is too many calories whether it is protein, carbohydrates or fats. I like to eat my salads and vegetables with some fats because many of the vitamins in vegetables are fat soluble. That means it requires fat to be absorbed. Below are some sources of healthy fats:

Fish oil supplements
Nuts and seeds
Olive oil
Flax seed oil

These kinds of foods will do wanders for your health and your well being. You will feel good, look good and just glow with wellness. If you eat to live rather than live to eat then your body will naturally reflect this.

For more information on living a healthy lifestyle please visit my blog at:

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