Monday, August 31, 2009

Using the Law of Attraction To Lose Weight

Happy Monday Everyone!

I came across this article yesterday as I was reading the August edition of Healthy Wealthy n Wise magazine. It is about how the Law of Attraction can help you lose weight. It is interesting how the Law of Attraction can also hinder your weight loss efforts based on the mental image you have of yourself! Have a read and definitely let me know what you think. I really did find this profound and I am sure many of you can relate to some of the things that are mentioned in this article!!

How to Lose Weight Using The Law of Attraction

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Apricots - The Perfect Package Deal

Apricots are a great fruit and have a lot of health benefits. One apricot has about 17 calories but it packs a ton of goodness in those 17 calories.

Promotes a Flat Tummy
At least half of the fiber contained in an apricot is soluble fiber. Soluble fiber can help flatten your tummy because it helps to keep you regular by effectively moving food through the GI tract. It also forms a slow digesting gel in the stomach that suppresses hunger for hours. It is a natural appetite suppressant.

Gives You Silky Soft Skin
Apricots are an effective antioxidant for the skin. They contain rich stores of lycopene which when consumed migrates to the skin and can remain there for a couple of days. This amazing antioxidant neutralizes the skin-roughening singlet oxygen that is produced during exposure to the sun's ultra violet rays. The results of this neutralization is soft silky skin!

Makes You Smarter
Apricots are high in zinc. Zinc plays a vital role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine. This in turn helps improve signaling into the brain's memory center (hippocampus).

Eating apricots regularly can help increase energy. This could be from the malic acid found in apricots. Malic acid aids the body's production of adenosine triphoshate (ATP) which is an energy dispensing molecule. Also, the potassium in apricots thins the blood which then optimizes the delivery of oxygen throughout the body.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Amazing Lemon!

Here are some interesting facts about Lemons!

  • Lemon water is a great detoxifier. It will promote a healthy glow to your skin because both water and lemon flush out toxins. Your skin is the first to show this.

  • Hot lemon water can help releive many digestions problems. Lemon juice acts as a liver tonic so it will help you digest your food better because it will help your liver produce more bile.

  • Lemon water helps reduce hiccups.

  • Lemons are high in Vitamin C.

  • Lemons can be used to treat infections and can promote the healing of wounds.

  • Lemons relieve sore throats.

  • Lemon is a natural diuretic.

  • When lemon is mixed with coffee, it can eliminate headaches.

  • Lemons are a key ingredient in a liver cleanse.

  • Lemon is good at removing hair product build up.

  • Lemon can add highlights to your hair. To do this, simply squeeze the juice from 1/2 lemon (or more) into your hair and sit out in the sun for an hour. Shampoo and condition after.

Lemon and water together will replenish and rejuvenate your body! It doesn't cost a lot and it is 100% natural! For a healthy start to your day try drinking a glass of lukewarm lemon water when you wake up!